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Green Smoothie Challenge

Some of you may know that I do home health care. If you don't know, now you do. It's not a hard job, it actually opens my eyes as well as makes me calm myself. (don't ask) Well my employer doubles as my Holistic Doctor and sometimes Chef. She told me about a Green Smoothie. She continued to explain to me what it does for you health wise. You're supposed to drink it in between meals or at least one smoothie a day. You don't have to change your eating habits. Since most people do not eat their regular servings of green vegetables, this smoothie replaces it and it helps you to be "regular". It also boosts your metabolism and helps you to drop pounds, without changing your eating habits. So I researched it more. It also trains your taste buds not to crave sugars. So I will share with you one recipe you may like, if you decide to try it. Its called Banana for Beginners (then you have to log on to the actual site and get the others)

1/2 Romaine (Cos) lettuce
3 bananas
2 cups water
Blend the bananas with water for 30 seconds. Add the Romaine lettuce and blend until smooth. You can add a few mint leaves for an unusual twist. The one I always drink is explained below:

1 handful strawberries
1 cup blueberries
1 banana
3 big handfuls of baby spinach
2 cups of water

You may also try your own combinations with other fruits and veggies-but just make sure you use baby spinach or some green veggies. Check the site, you may also check out . Of course I've started already and it actually tastes pretty good. I'm in love with smoothies anyway. :)


Let Me Know...

There are a lot of haters out here in the world. My definition of a HATER is someone who points out all of your flaws and basically has something negative to say about everything that you do no matter how well you're doing. Hating is NOT your opinion..I want you all to take notes, because it seems that OPINIONS and HATE get mixed up in the everyday world. Now in the dictionary an OPINION is stated as: a personal view, attitude, or appraisal. HATERhad two definitions that stood out: 1)to feel intense dislike, or extreme aversion or hostility. 2)An enemy to God, and a hater of all good. So, don't use your opinion and being a hater mixed in together and think its okay, use one. I know I have plenty of haters but I don't care I love them!! It's so cool to me to hear what someone else made up about me or to see what they will say next. I FUCKING LOVE IT!!! Now tell me, what is YOUR definition of a hater? I know there is a lot.
The Life & Times Of TrophyWife